Wednesday, 12 October 2011

The Very Beginning

I've always known I was different. I mean, what normal person has a hard time making friends, and gets upset easily over little things, pushing them further into social isolation? It wasn't until I was ten that I found out the truth: I have Asperger's syndrome. No, that's not when I was diagnosed; I was diagnosed when I was five and a half. I just happened to be there when my mum was talking to a friend, and I heard her say these four words: "Teri has Asperger's syndrome" At hearing that, I remember saying to her something along the lines of "I do? Why didn't you tell me?"

That was then. About six years ago.

Hi. My name is Teri. I'm sixteen years old and I have Asperger's synmdrome. I created this blog so that people - fellow Aspies and NT's alike - can see how I live and cope with Asperger's. Feel free to leave a comment. And before you say anything, and this is important, in case you haven't guessed I AM NOT SELF-DIAGNOSED. I HAVE BEEN PROFESSIONALLY DIAGNOSED!

1 comment:

  1. My cousin has it. you're just like everyone else :) everyone is different we don't need a doctor tell us that.
