Tuesday, 29 November 2011

Annoyed at Blogger, and Lovin' My Tamas

Well, for the last few minutes, Blogger has been a pain in the butt by not letting me post, but now it is, so it's all good. I started up my Tamagotchis again. Here they are:

This one is Nellie                                                    This one is Bianca, married to a sheep.

I love my tamas, no matter what anyone else says. If you got here through TamaTalk, go and read my log, "The (Not Really) Misadventures of a Girl and Two Tama-Gos"

Well, I think that's enough tama. Now what? Just kidding, I'm not going to keep you around forever bored. That would be mean of me. Bye for now, but be back next week for more!

Tuesday, 22 November 2011

School's Out!

Today I took my last of 5 exams: Home Economics (Food and Nutrition). It was much easier than the mock. And with that exam finished, so is school. I also got accepted into a science programme in Otago. Yay! I am one of three students going. Although, my mum thinks because I have Asperger's I have "different learning needs" when I learn the same way as everyone else. Oh, well, I'm just happy I got in.

I don't think I told you about the baby chickens, did I? Well, we got some eggs late October for our clucky "mama" chicken to sit on. 5 eggs. They all hatched last week, plus an orphaned one from the lady who gave us the chickens in the first place. So we have 6 babies. Pluss the 5 chickens we already had, that makes 11, which is a lot isn't it?

Yesterday, I told my sister, in a way, to act Aspie. Because when she's excited about something, and I'm not, I say sarcastically, "Whoop de do" or "Clap clap" or "Wow" and she told me this was annoying because she's actually excited. So I said "Take it as a compliment" and she said "How am I meant to take it as a compliment?" so my answer to that was, "Take it literally" so I now think of it as I told her to act Aspie.

And I'm also quite annoyed with her because she's a blabbermouth and she thinks my Asperger's is hers to tell people. She told pretty much her whole school year level. Now I get compared to Gabrielle, the Aspie surgeon on Shortland Street. Hello, people, just because you've met one Aspie, it does NOT mean you've met them all!

Well, with my rant over, I shall sign off. Bye for now, until next week!

Tuesday, 15 November 2011

Exams, More Exams, Cupcakes and an Aspie Cartoon Remix!

Right, so at school we're at the time where we do exams! On Monday I had my Maths exam. At least my mum can't make me revise Maths anymore! Today, English. I think I did pretty good on them. Tomorrow is French exam.

Yesterday, I made cupcakes. They have rainbow chocolate chips in them. Today I made mini cupcakes which are lemony and have lemon icing. Also coconut cloud slices with lemon icing.

Oh, I've just realized, this blog is supposed to be about how I cope with Asperger's and I've said nothing Aspie since the beginning! Not to worry, though. In the weekend, I did my own remix of Matt Friedman's "Dude I'm an Aspie"

I hate bright lights so I grabbed random images and letters to spell words to show this. I'm the one running away saying "AAAAH!! It's too bright!" I know even NT's won't stare at the sun like that unless they're idiots (no offence to any NT's reading this) It's just a little exaggeration.
The link to Matt's blog is dudeimanaspie.com It's pretty cool, read it!
So, with that, I'll sign off! Bye!

Tuesday, 8 November 2011

3 Prizes, and a Long Week of Nothingness

I got three prizes at the prizegiving on Friday. Two in Science, and one in Home Economics. When I got the Home Economics one I was so surprised. I didn't think I was that good. Also my autistic friend got an award for Maths. I was a bit surprised at that too. Oh, well. He was happy, and I guess that's all that matters. Then I got a week off school for study leave, before my Maths exam on Monday next week. I haven't done much really. Just watch TV, eat, knit, study, play games and go on forums. I also got a bit of a cold, but I'm getting better. Well, there's a good thing about holidays, and that is escapng from bullies at school. I suppose you'd get that a lot too if you're an aspie. Well, one of the main bullies is moving away next year, so I'm happy about that. They also don't know I'm an aspie because I haven't told anyone, unlike my bigmouth sister at her school. But I gave her a real telling off. (Kind of literally, but not entirely)

Well, by for now people of the internet!

Tuesday, 1 November 2011

A Long Rehearsal, a Prize-Winning Announcement, and an Almost Finished Dress

So, not much, once again. Today, we had a rehearsal for Friday's senior prizegiving at school, in which, I heard I'm getting a prize! So happy! =D Also, I have almost finished the dress which I am making in Textiles class. It's pretty awesome, and I plan to wear it at the school ball next year.

For our 100 beanies for Starship challenge, we now have 38. I actually made 2 in the weekend, I spent the whole weekend knitting.

Also in the weekend was the Gypsy Fair. It was pretty awesome (don't you just love that phrase?) I got a blue heart hanging thingy which is on my ceiling, a lucky dip, 3 skinny red band bracelets, a red necklace, and a necklace with a blue heart on it.

Well, that's pretty much it! Stay right there, don't move and I'll see you next week!