Tuesday, 1 November 2011

A Long Rehearsal, a Prize-Winning Announcement, and an Almost Finished Dress

So, not much, once again. Today, we had a rehearsal for Friday's senior prizegiving at school, in which, I heard I'm getting a prize! So happy! =D Also, I have almost finished the dress which I am making in Textiles class. It's pretty awesome, and I plan to wear it at the school ball next year.

For our 100 beanies for Starship challenge, we now have 38. I actually made 2 in the weekend, I spent the whole weekend knitting.

Also in the weekend was the Gypsy Fair. It was pretty awesome (don't you just love that phrase?) I got a blue heart hanging thingy which is on my ceiling, a lucky dip, 3 skinny red band bracelets, a red necklace, and a necklace with a blue heart on it.

Well, that's pretty much it! Stay right there, don't move and I'll see you next week!

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