Tuesday, 8 November 2011

3 Prizes, and a Long Week of Nothingness

I got three prizes at the prizegiving on Friday. Two in Science, and one in Home Economics. When I got the Home Economics one I was so surprised. I didn't think I was that good. Also my autistic friend got an award for Maths. I was a bit surprised at that too. Oh, well. He was happy, and I guess that's all that matters. Then I got a week off school for study leave, before my Maths exam on Monday next week. I haven't done much really. Just watch TV, eat, knit, study, play games and go on forums. I also got a bit of a cold, but I'm getting better. Well, there's a good thing about holidays, and that is escapng from bullies at school. I suppose you'd get that a lot too if you're an aspie. Well, one of the main bullies is moving away next year, so I'm happy about that. They also don't know I'm an aspie because I haven't told anyone, unlike my bigmouth sister at her school. But I gave her a real telling off. (Kind of literally, but not entirely)

Well, by for now people of the internet!

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