Friday 30 March 2012

Well, I Guess This Is Goodbye... =(

So, I'm sorry that I haven't posted for a while. I thought I'd be able to keep committed to this, but I couldn't. I've been getting distracted, and these distractions are why I'm closing my blog. It's not you guys, it's me. I've been distracted by so much; my Tamagotchi log (when I write it xD), taling to my friends (You know who you are!), my obsession with the anime Hetalia... There's all sorts really.

So, I guess this is goodbye. Not just for now, but forever...

Tuesday 7 February 2012


I know you've been expecting a post the last few weeks, I'm so sorry, I just keep forgetting, not to mention school has started again!!! So, anyway...

So, like I said, school has started, which means I can see my friends again! Yes, I actually DO have friends! So!

We also got a new kitten over the holidays. Her name is Maddy. She is so adorable, but one night she ate my pizza. Which reminds me...

My dad doesn't seem to understand me. When Maddy ate my pizza, my parents told me to eat the slice she didn't eat. So I did. Then my dad told me off for "being a wuss" and he wouldn't let me explain. Well, that's literal interpretations and non-understanding parents for you.

Anyway... A lot has happened since the last post, but I can't be bothered writing it all. So byeeee!

Thursday 19 January 2012

I'm Home!!!

So, I didn't post on Wednesday because it's been very busy! But it was fun! I lit my hand on fire yesterday xD By holding a handful of hydrogen bubbles and having them lit on fire! Yeah, I was in the chemistry part of the programme.

We had a quiz night on Tuesday, and, even though my team didn't win, I couldn't have asked for a better team. We had so much fun, writing in random answers when we didn't know the actual answer xD

Last night was the disco/games night. I had so much fun playing random games with random people. There was also the Lipsync competition, in which each floor of each building made up a lipsync piece with a dance. My group did "Time Warp" It was fun!!!

Well, that's it for now. Byeeee!

Tuesday 10 January 2012

Fun, Fun, Fun!!!

So, that surprise trip I told you guys about last week? We went to Rainbow's End!!! It was so fun! Although, I didn't like the Fear Fall.

I also got a new Tamagotchi on Sunday, a Version 2. I currently have a girl and her name is Steph. During chat on TamaTalk, more fun ensued, with Tamagotchi Roleplaying!

I'm going to Dunedin this Sunday, for a Science Programme, and I come back on the next Friday. I'll be bringing my laptop with me, and if there's Wi-Fi, I will be online. I will update next Wednesday if I can.

Well, there's not much today, so byeeee! Stay tuned next week, where there MIGHT be an entry.

Tuesday 3 January 2012

D is for... Disappointment, Followed by Happiness... uh, sort of.

Okay, so our parents planned a surprise trip for today, but it turned out my dad was working until 4am, so he was too tired, and we couldn't go on our surprise trip. But, he said we could go tomorrow, so I'm looking forward to that. Next week, I'll tell you where we went.

So... For the last few weeks, on TamaTalk, a few friends and I were TamaChatting, which has been really fun! We said a lot of stuff that made us laugh! This is why the holidays are fun, because I can sit at my laptop all day, talking to my friends about awesome funny stuff!!

And now, with that, I'll be signing off for now. Byeeee!!!

Tuesday 27 December 2011


I almost forgot today's post again! Lucky I remembered! 'K, so, now what? I hope you all had a good Christmas! And New Year's is in a few days! 2012! The year the world's supposed to end! But will it?

There's not much to talk about really. It's still the holidays. But I got an eBook reader for Christmas. At the moment, on it, I'm reading House Rules, by Jodi Picoult. You guys should read it. It's a good book, or eBook in this case. It's about a teenager with Asperger's (Perfect for this blog!) whose AS traits get him accused of killing his social skills tutor, and it shows how him and his family deal with his AS.

So, other than that, not much. 'K byeeee for now! See you next time!

Wednesday 21 December 2011

Sorry People...

Okay, guys, I know I  was supposed to do this yesterday, but I was distracted by other stuff and I forgot, so I'm very sorry! =(

So, not much has happened over the last week! Merry Christmas for Sunday people!! I got a haircut last Saturday, that I really didn't want, but my mum says a trim will make it grow faster. Anyway...

I know this post is very short, but I really can't think of anything to say, so bye for now!!